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Guangxi Mingang Steel Structure Construction Co., Ltd.


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Round pipe string

2021-04-18 10:20:56
Round pipe string

The round tube string adopts multi-cathode welding, solution heat treatment, eddy current testing, hydraulic test, material mechanics and process performance, metallographic testing, etc.

Process characteristics: internal leveling treatment, solution treatment, inner surface electrolytic polishing of the weld.

Performance characteristics: The surface roughness Ra of the inner wall is greater than 0.2, and the wall hanging slag is less, which prevents the growth of bacteria. Electrolytic polishing has a passivation effect, and the inner wall has good anti-corrosion performance. The round tube string adopts the ISO9001 quality certification management mode, with functions such as multi-cathode welding, solution heat treatment, eddy current testing, hydraulic testing, material mechanics and process performance testing, and metallographic testing.

The round tube string adopts the ISO9001 quality certification management mode, with functions such as multi-cathode welding, solution heat treatment, eddy current testing, hydraulic testing, material mechanics and process performance testing, and metallographic testing. Fabricated steel structure

Hollow section steel whose length is much longer than the diameter or circumference. Steel pipes are used to make building structural grids, pillars and mechanical supports, which can reduce weight. It can save steel, simplify construction, and greatly reduce the area of the protective layer, saving investment and maintenance costs.


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